I'm not a big fan of winter clothes... is it just me, who's warmest clothes look inelegant? are those skanks wearing skinny jeans, tightly fitted jackets and boots that look like they're paper thin, actually warm? Something makes me doubt that... As for me, I've just barely gotten over a cold and there are five feet of snow outside, do I want to be warm or sexy? Warm. Thank you.
(However... I do find my wooly mitten-gloves quite sexy despite their warmth =P )
I'm twenty years old. When one of my friends was turning twenty, she said she didn't feel like she had anything to show for it. It got me thinking.
My first thought was "what about me? what do I have to show for it?"
I think I'm quite happy with my overall self-reflection.
It's true that I'm still at college for an other session, while most of the people I went to high-school with will be finishing up their first year at university. But, seriously, where's the rush? What's the point of always wanting to run on and on? Why does finishing college in two years make you a success? You followed the system, here have a gold star! Bull-shit. If you did and you enjoyed it, good for you! If you're on the path you've always dreamed to be on, even better. If, however, you sped through those two years simply in oder to get to the next step, you're more lost than the guy who finished college in five years. Live. Life is not about the destination, but about the journey you take to get there.
But I'm getting thoroughly off track.
Bottom line: I'm happy with my schooling. I've loved my teachers and classes and I think I'm actually learning something worthwhile. To add to that, I'm also on the right track. On the right track to where I want to be. I'm in the child studies program and working at a daycare. Both make me very happy.
What else? Twenty, twenty. I'm twenty and I have a stable relationship with my boyfriend. This I find is also important. Here, I'm not going to start critiquing people who aren't in a relationship or who've been jumping from one to the next. For the former, it's like I said, where's the rush? you'll find it when you will. For the latter, it's life experience, learn from it.
Twenty. I'm twenty and I do draw and pose for nude art. As strange as it might sound, this makes me feel mature and proud. It's a bit funny because it's a loop: I draw nudes and pose because I'm mature enough to appreciate it but part of why I like it is because it makes me feel mature.
The style is a little rough, but I felt like making a potpourri of thoughts.
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